Głosujcie na Petrę Marklund :) Jeżeli macie twittera to na tej stronie możecie na nią za głosować :http://www.scandipop.co.uk/the-2013-scandipop-awards-the-nominations/
Piosenkarka jest bardzo utalentowana z piękną barwę głosu,Jest osobą o wspaniałej osobowości. Tworzy muzykę całą duszą i sercem co słychać w piosenkach.Kocha to co robi i uwielbia swoich fanów :)Ma wiele osobistego wdzięku.Teksty jej piosenek zapierają dech w piersiach bo są prawdziwe można powiedzieć,że każdy może odnaleźć swoją własną historię:) Bardzo proszę głosujcie na nią ! :)
Smsa: guld artist5 till 72250
My friends from Scandinavia :) I have some request for you :) Could you vote for swedish singer Petra Marklund . She is nominate for P3 Guld Galan for the best aritist 2013 .
She is very talented singer , who has beautiful voice . She is a person with wonderful a personality :) I love all of her songs . Her songs are gorgeous .In Autumn she released album "Inferno" :) I think , that this album is by far the best of her albums .
Sent a message artist5 72250 Vote for her Please ! :) She worth it ! :)
or in another site :
This is the only award you can vote for, dear readers. And you can do so using the medium of twitter! If you wish to vote, simply tweet the following message I would like to vote for ******** in the 2013 @scandipop awards http://www.scandipop.co.uk/the-2013-scandipop-awards-the-nominations/ Just replace ******* with the name of your chosen artist out of the six choices below. We’ll see the tweet as we’re mentioned in it. Only one vote per twitter account will be counted. And you can vote from now up until January 6th.
She is nominate
Best Female ,Best Female Single,Best Female Album
more information : http://www.scandipop.co.uk/the-2013-scandipop-awards-the-nominations/
Her single song of album" Inferno" Enjoy :)
photos:Anna Ledin
more information about nominate :
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